Monday, November 30, 2009

a short update

Hi family!
I hope I got all the email addresses right. I don't really have any time left because I was trying to figure out some stuff with my camera and a jump drive for the English manuel that mom sent me, but I wanted to send you all a short update.
I accidently brought the wrong cord for my camera, so there are no pictures this week, sorry!
The Pinedo family was baptized on Thursday! After lots of stress and crazyness getting them married at 3:00, we rushed back to Volcan for their baptism with their younger son at 6:00 p.m. Satan definitely was working against us because so many things went wrong (we showed up 40 minutes late for their wedding time, the witnesses wanted to come seperately and came late, a few days before the baptism Martin and Mila (the couple) had a big fight and Martin said he didn't want to get married anymore, etc etc.) But with lots of work, prayers, and the help of the Lord, everything came together and worked out.
It was so great to see them all together in their white clothes, and the branch has been very supportive. We still have a lot of work to help them become strong members, but I know the Lord is pleased with them and their decisions.
Now we're trying to help prepare them and get them excited to go on the branch temple trip in January. They don't have money so I'm not sure if they're be able to go but I know if they show the desire, effort, and sacrifice, that the Lord will help them.
A couple of our other recent converts are planning to go as well for baptisms.
Ahhh ok I'm out of time, sorry this is so short.
I love you all and I'll write you a better letter next week, I promise!

Love, Hermana Dance

P.S. The church is true :)

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