Monday, November 2, 2009

Happy Dia de los Muerto

I don't have much time again because the internet was being crazy and not working. I'm glad you got the pictures. Elder Bustillo, and awesome elder from Honduras who was in the CCM with me and is in my district now taught me how to change my camera so the size of the pictures is smaller and I will be able to send probably six or seven in one email next time.

Thanks for the emails and letter. Dad I just got another talk from you from DearElder but I haven't read it yet because the elders gave it to me right before we came in to check our emails. I'm sure it's awesome.

So yeah, I guess you'll usually be hearing from me on Monday now and sometimes Tuesdays. Mom, thanks for sending me a real letter :) I just got some letters from people who wrote me around October 7th or 8th so I think the mail is pretty slow...I mailed you something last week but I sent it to the office address-Cesu iela or something like that. Let me know when you get it so I know how much time I have to leave in the future :)

It sounds like your Sisters Conference went well. I'm sure they loved it and thought it was fun. And that's good you're getting more bold-I'm sure they won't be offended, they pretty much worship you and dad :) That's how we feel about our president and his wife so I'm sure it's the same for you two. They're very sweet to us. After Zone Conference Sister Madrigal gave Hermana Rodriguez and I this homemade raisin bread and it made me think of you Mom just because I know you're always doing sweet things for the missionaries too.

Things are going well here. We've had two baptisms since I've arrived and we have another scheduled for Friday the 13th of this month. Hopefully nothing spooky happens :) Felipe, the one getting baptized, is awesome. He came to church yesterday and took notes in our lesson and in priesthood. He is reading the Book of Mormon, he has good questions and he's progressing fast. He's already planning on going with the branch on their temple trip in January to do baptisms.

We're also teaching the Pinedos, this awesome farming family. We're working to get them married on Nov 26th so they can get baptized after. Their 20 year old son, Martin Alexander wants to get baptized also. They're just a really sweet family and we love being around them. Mila, the mom, marks their copy of the Book of Mormon when we come over to teach them :)

Spanish is slowly improving and I can understand more. I still feel like I can't express myself much but I will learn. This week I've been reading Acts in the Bible. I'm realizing how much more I should've studied the scriptures before I left. I know the Book of Mormon, but I've never even read all of the Bible before. I'm learning so many awesome things from reading Acts. It's easy to see that every time the church has been established, it has face great oposition. In the times of Joseph Smith, but also during the times after Christ came. The apostles suffered a lot of persecution.

I've been thinking about what you and Dad told me about how faith helps us be led to and recognize people who are prepared to be baptized. I found a lot of examples of this in Acts. Acts 14:27 says that God "opened the door of faith unto the Gentiles" and I'm praying that he'll do the same for the people in Panama and also for the people in the Baltics.

I know this is Christ's church and that it is the only church that has the authority to do the ordinances that bring us salvation. I know God lives, and that he loves us. And I know with Christ we can do anything. Love you all!

Love, Hermana Dance

Acts 18:9-11

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