Monday, November 23, 2009

Herro family

Happy happy Thanksgiving week! Today I just realized that Thanksgiving is this Thursday (I think).
We're baptizing a family of three this Thursday right after their wedding, wahooo! We're planning to do something awesome for them to celebrate but we're not exactly sure what.
Later today we're going to help another couple get married because some elders from before promised to help them. They don't come to church and I don't think they're quite ready to leave the worldly lifestlye/parties but we'll see.... If not, it's already easier for the missionaries who come after us because they're already married.
Welp, what else is new around these camera lives!! Wahoo!! Charlyn took it home and worked some gypsy magic and now it works :) Ok well I think she really just set it in her room to dry because her room is hot but either way, it's working now. I'll send you some pictures next time even though I'm ashamed because I'm getting chubby cheeks...and chubby other parts as well. Eeek!

I'm glad to hear that James is doing well. I've written him a couple times and heard back from him once and it sounds like he's doing well. How are Zach and Nicky doing with the new baby? And Randy and Coleman? This week I had a bunch of random dreams about pretty much all my cousins in some way or another so they're all in my thoughts and prayers :)
Things are going well here. We had our first English class on Saturday and I think it went pretty well. Only a few members came but I think it will grow and we're going to pass out flyers to investigators and contacts.
The rainy season/winter is pretty much over now so I finally get to see the sun! It makes me happy and it's awesome to be able to see the mountains. I live in a beautiful place! Plus now we're planning a trip up the volcano for a Pday in December with some members and investigators. I'm excited :)
The branch in Volcan is growing. Thanks for your comments on retention mom, I will keep them in mind because retaining members has been a problem here as well.
I love the gospel and I love the Lord. I know the Lord is mindful of His children, that He loves every one of us and answers our prayers. I know the Book of Mormon is true and that it has the power to change lives because it teaches us the principles that Christ taught. I love you all and I'm praying for you!
Love, Hermana Dance

Alma 9:6 Why doesn't God send more authority than 2 young people to declare His word? People ask us this sometimes. 1 Corinth 1:26-27 If He sent some huge powerful person, it wouldn't really require much faithAlso Alma 9:8-10 He keeps saying that we need to remember-remembering is so important, that's why we have scriptures, church, etc. It reminded me of the talk you gave in the first zone conference in the Baltics mom about Helaman 5:12

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